These Prather kids... they seem to grow up right before my eyes! Especially the twins. It's so much fun to photograph this family as they grow and change and discover more about the world and one another. Each of these awesome kids is a tornado of energy and personality, and the last two are TWINS (which is, like, energy squared). When we planned the family's annual photos, we decided to try something new and head for the Santa Monica Pier on a Sunday evening in November.
Rather than work against the crowds, we decided to work with them, creating little oases of family connection in the midst of the bustle of the pier. Games, ice cream cones, climbing onto and over and through everything. I'll be honest: family photos at the Santa Monica Pier aren't for everyone. It's a little chaotic and at least two people will wind up in tears, usually at exactly the moment that everyone else is smiling. Someone will fall down, someone will wind up with chocolate all over his or her face. But if those are the photos you want (and if you scroll down you might decide those are exactly the photos you want), a set of family photos at the Santa Monica Pier just might be the wild circus ride you're looking for. Patrick and Valerie eloped on the beach in Los Angeles. Well... sort of. They actually eloped kind of accidentally in one of the most beautiful and posh hotels on the beach in Santa Monica. Here's the story:
Patrick and Valerie stayed the night at the Casa del Mar Hotel in Santa Monica, CA. They fully intended to just walk out onto the sand and say their vows, snap a few photos with me, and be done with it. But after getting dressed up, the hotel security guard just let them (and me, and the officiant) into the gazillion-dollar ballroom. Turns out a wedding dress is basically a carte blanche. Fifteen minutes later, these two were hitched! How do you make a crowded tourist attraction like the Santa Monica Pier feel like you've got it all to yourself? With a little patience and a zoom lens, of course! Arpi and Edward have a classy, urban vibe but they still wanted to play up their Santa Monica home for their engagement session. So we headed down to the Santa Monica Pier on a busy spring weekend night to catch the golden light and find hidden corners for these two lovebirds to canoodle in. And it worked!!
This might be a new favorite spot..... |
I'm CecilyLA ★ ATX Categories
December 2024