BIRTHFIT is a worldwide community of educators who want to see a world where childbirth is empowered and elevated. They held their annual summit in Venice, CA, and it was complete with some functional training, talks, workshops, yoga, and a closing circle. These are images that BIRTHFIT HQ (whose website I built!) and the various BIRTHFIT regional directors (many of whose websites I also built!) will use for social media and to spruce up their websites with quality images.
Check out some of my fave snaps.
The site redesign now boasts a sliding home page banner with click-throughs to popular pages. There is now a link to the online store, an affiliate sign up process and ways to connect with each affiliate around the country. The resources offered by BIRTHFIT and their affiliates are now organized under Services and Education. Webinars, eBooks, and a multitude of great blog posts are available for free or for purchase through the site and outside platforms. Services at the Venice, CA, headquarters can now be scheduled through buttons in the site and a sidebar on each page showcases most popular posts as well as featured sponsors (who can purchase ad space on a monthly basis to bring in some ongoing income for the company). I love the way this redesign worked out and I'm excited for my ongoing relationship with this team of game changers! Click through the slides below to see images of the pages, or visit to see the site in action. Like this? I build lots of websites using a variety of site builders, from WordPress to SquareSpace, Wix to Weebly. Check out more on my websites page or shoot me an email and let's talk about what you're looking for!
Like these? I shoot lots of CrossFit and generally athletic types. Check out my sport photography page for more!
Like these? I shoot lots of sport and fitness photography as well as portraits, such as head shots.
I'm CecilyLA ★ ATX Categories
June 2024